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Products - Panels for OEM users - Krom Schroder

Following are the OEM application in which Control Systems Engineers have devoted many years in development

Heat treatment processes in the ceramics industry. Heat treatment processes in the ceramics industry.

Staged control(Impulse control)
On/Off control is possible for the Industrial burners via Controllers. Same provide relay output for PFU’s which in turn control air, gas solenoid and ignition transformer. Different zone can be controlled in this manner.

Continuous control
4-20 ma PID Controlled output is provided to NPT Controller. Same will provide modulating control to various PFU . This increases efficiency and the productivity. Panels is provided with PLC and HMI for the Combustion fan, exhaust fan and also Dilution control. Panel is provided with AUTO/MANUAL feature so that in the event of failure of AUTO, Manual system will still ba available.
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